From a Kindergarten show to 20 children to a Primary School or Theatre to hundreds of children, Chris Sanders can tailor a show to fit your needs. Chris has visited over 300 schools around New Zealand and performed to over 40,000 kids since he launched his first book with music in 2016. Check out the dozens of testimonials from teachers below!

Getting to meet a real author is a great experience for kids and when that author also happens to be a Tui Award nominated #1 singer-songwriter and guitarist then it’s a real hit! Chris is passionate about what he does, making the shows are fun, interactive and educational.

Chris has self published 5 children’s picture books and over 30 original children’s songs since 2016 including the popular ‘Call For The Ambulance Feat. 111 Ambulance Song’ written for St John NZ and Mittens Official Song which has made the final of the International Songwriting Competition with the winner being announced in April 2021.

From 45 minutes to a full day, Chris’ visit can take many forms to suit what you need. From a performance and reading, to talking about how to react in an emergency or publishing your own book or song.

Click ‘BOOK NOW’ to get in touch!


“Thank you so much for organising this visit from Chris. We loved having him! He was very relaxed, warm and friendly and the children loved him. The children listened attentively and picked up his songs really quickly. Since his visit we have been revisiting the songs and books and children have been spontaneously bursting into song during session “pick up the phone and dial 111…!” Chris’ visit has prompted numerous discussions about when and how to call for an ambulance. We realise that many children don’t know their own addresses and this is something we are now encouraging parents to discuss with their children. We really loved having Chris perform for us – it was educational, entertaining and inspiring! Thank you so much.” – Danielle McNaughton, Teacher, Silverdale Kindergarten

“Thanks for getting in touch and letting Chris come over to perform at our May Road Primary School. It was very easy to organise the tour. The communication was fast and easy. The instructions very very easy to follow. Chris is a great performer, awesome singer and great presenter. Chris was very clear in his communication with the children. He was before time and finished in time. The message was very clearly presented and understood by the children. Overall great show.” – Arina Kumar, Teacher, May Road School

“We were very grateful to host Chris here at Massey Library. The kindergartens were very excited about coming along and participating. I think his ambulance book and the messages are essential in these days of mobile phones. Teaching children the importance of knowing their address and being able to call 111 is more important than ever. Chris had a lovely manner with the children and made the session interactive and fun. We had about 80 people here and we would have had more, if the forecast had been a little better.” – Christine Calis, Librarian, Massey Library

“Chris’ performance was pitched at the right level. The students really enjoyed when Chris sang the ambulance song. In fact, my year 2 daughter was singing it in the car this morning! Love the books as well, they are easy to read and have great illustrations.” – Teresa Hannard, Deputy Principal, Western Heights Primary School

“Chris was engaging, energetic and captivating – our audience of 270 NE- Year 4 children were fully involved in his presentation. They loved learning and performing the actions to Chris’s 111 song. Meeting an author
and a songwriter and hearing him perform his own work was very special for teachers and children.
Thank you so much for this opportunity.” – Jude Parker, Teacher, Mairehau Primary School

“Chris was awesome, he engaged the children right from the start and had our students singing along quickly! His catchy tune has been stuck in the heads of teachers and students for weeks after. We have also been pleased with the amount of feedback from our parent community of their children coming home to ask where the phone is and how they can use it to ring 111. Thank you so much for the opportunity to have Chris come and sing with our students!” – Nicola Douthett, Teacher, Westpark School

“Chris’ visit was great. Chris was so easy going and lovely to the kids and they had a great time. I have still heard the ambulance song being hummed around the school a week later! The books are a great reminder for them so they can go back to it. Some of the messages were really important and not things we would have thought of to talk with the kids about – for example, about knowing how to use the mobile phone if you know there isn’t a landline. I know that lots of the teachers followed it up immediately with their classes and continued the conversation. Thank you so much for the opportunity to have Chris at our school. ” – Esther Casey, Teacher, Sylvia Park School

“Chris’s performance was really well received by the students and staff. The resources that come with the show are very helpful too. What a great way to reinforce the message of how to call the ambulance.” – Pam Stretch, Teacher, Russley School

“Thank YOU so much for taking the time to come and visit us. The children thoroughly enjoyed your performance. It is so wonderful for the children to be able to meet a “real author”, and when that real author also happens to be a singer/songwriter then you have automatically captured a large portion of the audience – most children love either music or stories, if not both! I know Angel Star made its way onto a lot of wish lists.” – Alison Butcher, Teacher, Bayswater Primary School

“Chris Sanders worked closely alongside us here at Browns Bay School for the launch of his book, ‘Angel Star.’  He sang with our students on a couple of occasions leading up to the actual event and related extremely well to both the children and their teachers.  It was immensely valuable for our students to see Chris in action and for them to see what he has accomplished in terms of songwriting and recording.  The collaboration was a worthwhile and enjoyable experience for us all.” – Karen Warren, Music Teacher, Browns Bay School

Kindergartens or Pre-Schools

Visit includes:

  • Performance by Chris Sanders – singing songs from his books.
  • A story telling session by author
  • Questions and comments from the Children

Visit duration approx. 20-30 mins

Primary Schools

Visit includes:

  • Performance by Chris Sanders – singing songs from his books
  • A story telling session by author (if requested)
  • Questions and comments from the Children

In addition to Chris’ performance and reading a visit can be structured to suit your needs. Chris can talk on subjects including:

Publishing a Book

  • How to develop an idea in to a tangible book
  • Using experts to help you make your book
  • When you have a finished book, where and how do you get it made?
  • How do you tell people about your book? (Marketing & Public Relations)
  • How do you get people to buy your book and where? (Distribution)
  • The relationship between Author, distributor, retailers and customers
  • What rewards can you expect to get from your publishing your own book

How to React in an Emergency

  • Do you know where the phone is in your house?
  • Do you still have a landline?
  • How do you call an ambulance on a mobile phone?
  • Are you confident enough to call 111?
  • Do you know your home address?
  • Could you remain calm, listen carefully to instructions and describe your situation?


Would you like Chris Sanders and illustrator Natalie Conaty to visit your school?  Limited opportunities exist to have Natalie visit.  Natalie worked as the costume designer for Madame Tussauds in London for 8 years, styling the wax figures for the celebrity wax models.  Today she works for Weta Workshop in Wellington.

Simply comment in the contact form that you are interested in having Natalie Conaty visit and we can discuss your options.

The talks are fun, educational and a great opportunity to do further learning in class or at home after Chris’ visit. There will also be time for question and comments from the Children.

*If you are an overseas school Chris is happy to talk to your class via Skype or Zoom.

Enquire About a School Visit

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Chris Sanders has visited more than 300 Schools, Kindergartens and Libraries around New Zealand.  Here are just some of them…

Abbotsford School
ABC Kids Albany
ABC Palmerston North
Albany Village Library
Balmoral School
Bayswater Primary School
Belfast School
Birkenhead Kindergarten
Bright Sparks
Broadway Active Explorers
Browns Bay School
Campbells Bay
Capital E
Cloverlea Kindergarten
Coatesville Learning Centre
Curious Cubs ELC
Dannevirke South School
Discoveries Educare Browns Bay
Dunedin Public Library
EduKids Queen Street Hastings
Epsom Library
Gardner Rd Kindergarten
Gladstone Primary
Grant Braes School
Greenmeadows School
Grey Lynn Kindergarten
Hamilton Central Library
Havelock North Primary

Henderson Kindergarten
Hokowhitu School
Howick Library
Huntly Library
Kids at Play
Kilbirnie Kindercare
Kiwi Treasures Early Learning Centre
Laura Ingram Kindergarten
Lindisfarne Kindergarten
Mairehau School
Mangere Bridge School
Massey Library
May Road School
Methven Our Lady of the Snows
Moriah Kindergarten
Nelson Central School
Nelson South Kindergarten
New River Primary
North East Valley School
Onehunga Library
Parkland School Palmerston North
Parkvale School
Parnell District School
Pt England School
Redoubt School
Richmond Kindergarten
Richmond Primary School
Rudolf Steiner School
Russley School
Seatoun School
Silverdale Kindergarten
St Bernard’s Primary School
St Brigid’s School
St Helier Playcentre
St Margaret’s School
St Paul’s School
St Peter’s and Paul
Sunnybrae School
Sylvia Park School
Taiaotea Kindergarten
Tainui School
Takapuna Primary
Taukau The Little Steps
Te Atatu Penisula Library
Tuakau Library
Victory School
Waimauku School
Waterloo School
West Park School
Western Heights School
Woolley St Kindergarten